I have started a book titled, “TBI 3-Dimensional Perspective.” (Title will most likely change as the book progresses.)
How many of you know what a TBI is without using google? Over the years after my accident when I explained to people what I went through and the injuries, the number one question was, “What does TBI stand for?” Hell, you might have been wondering that sense you read the title of this blog. A TBI stands for “Traumatic Brain Injury.”
Every year in America, 1.5 million people sustain a TBI. According to cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury, “As a consequence of these injuries: 230,000 people are hospitalized and survive.” That means 230,000 people are about to begin the longest battle of their life and being someone has fought that battle, I know exactly what they need.
The first couple of months after sustaining my TBI, I felt alone in this world, no one could help me because no one new what it felt like. Now being a speaker, trainer and TBI coach I want both the survivors and caregivers to realize they are not alone and there are hundreds of people that want to help. “TBI 3-Dimensional Perspective” will be a book of stories and advice from both survivors, caregivers and therapist. 50 personal and vulnerable stories from survivors on how they have been able to adjust to their emotions, physical and mental limitations. As one survivor has said, “Everything can be hacked, even your limitations.”
It is hard to lose someone while they are still alive. I watched as my family put their lives on the back burner to come to my aid. Even though I could see it, I could never feel it. Therefor there will be 50 personal and vulnerable stories from caregivers on how they have been able to fight along side with their loved ones and never lose sight of the person behind the injury.
“This isn’t you, your just sick.” – my mother.
Let’s not forget those who have taken their lives and money to learn how to help those who cannot help themselves. Read stories from therapist who will give honest advice on how to help your loved one adjust from therapy to the home. “Therapy should never end. Home is where therapy is most needed.”
If you are a survivor, caregiver or therapist, I want to use your story is this upcoming book to change lives. #TBIAwarness #StayStrongSurvivors #TBIToBeInformed #LukeSpeaks